“An die Nachgeborenen” (To Those Born Later)

NEW YORK, NY - JULY 06: Donald Trump attends the 2015 Hank's Yanks Golf Classic at Trump Golf Links Ferry Point on July 6, 2015 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

“Heaven and earth are not humanistic–they regard myriad beings as straw dogs; sages are not humanistic–they regard people as straw dogs”Sun-Tzu

What is sad is not that a man like Trump is running for president in 2016, what is truly sad about it is that people have forgotten what this means. Think about it, think hard. Remember it. How can you actually be surprised? Within the last 100 years of our American century where were you, what were you doing? It is unfortunate that history, especially American  history, agrees with Trump and it is this rapture that we see our very own hypocrisy embodied in a single point of pointlessness. Over the last 100 years, America has been a racist, fascist, fundamentalist, corrupt, violent, bigot who’s only interest is to serve a small group of Anglo-elites to further their own personal agendas at any and all costs: Trump is and has always been the true face of America. He embodies the contradiction and hypocrisy of both the Left and the Right of the double standards in which western civilization has privilege itself to. Continue reading

What is at Stake?

With the recent Rob Ford scandal that has plagued the politics of Toronto one still lacks the perspective of what is at stake when a crack smoking clown can become the mayor of one of North America’s largest capital centers. Even the most intelligent commentaries on the situation fail to acknowledge the systematic failures in place to have allowed this to happen. What this clown has done was simply act as the displacement to what is truly at stake here: that the premise of the Western Democracy has to be re-evaluated. Continue reading